Take your creative agency from overlooked to overbooked

RLVNT Studios
3 min readSep 18, 2023
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Running a creative agency is tough. You pour your heart and soul into creating amazing work for clients, only to constantly fight for new projects and scramble to land the next gig. Finding clients who truly appreciate your services doesn't have to be a stressful experience. With strategic moves, you can take your agency from overlooked to overbooked.

Clearly define your niche

First, get crystal clear on your niche. Offering web design, branding, marketing, video production, etc. to everyone makes you look like a Jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. Pick 1–2 core services and become the go-to expert. Refine your messaging and portfolio to showcase your speciality. Promote case studies showing how you solved problems for clients specifically in your niche. Positioning yourself as a niche specialist makes you stand out from generalists.

Create signature processes

Next, develop signature processes and frameworks for your core services. This gives you a unique methodology that becomes your selling proposition. For example, if you specialize in web design, create a tailored web design process you use for every client. Name it something catchy like the “5 Step Web Success Methodology.” Build your brand around the distinctive way you approach projects.

Raise your rates

Also, raise your rates to premium pricing reflective of a niche expert. When starting, many agencies underprice themselves. But charging higher rates filters for serious clients willing to invest in quality. It also makes room in your schedule by requiring fewer clients. Resist discounting and hold firm on pricing that reflects your true value.

Boost your marketing

Additionally, level up your marketing. Beyond your website, leverage speaking, guest posts, social media, paid ads, referrals and other channels to get the word out. Focus on your niche and zone in on your ideal target clients. Become a familiar name in your industry through consistently useful content that displays your expertise. Marketing is the engine that keeps a steady stream of qualified leads and clients flowing through your sales pipeline.

Say no to bad fits

Finally, don’t be afraid to fire bad-fit clients. That problem client who makes unreasonable demands and doesn’t respect your boundaries? Cut them loose. That project outside your niche that dilutes your focus? Refer to it elsewhere. Being selective allows you to say yes only to great clients aligned with your speciality. Even if it means short-term revenue dips, over the long haul your agency will thrive by playing to your strengths.

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

By becoming laser-focused on your niche, honing your methodology, commanding premium prices, boosting marketing and firing bad clients, you can transform your agency from the best-kept secret to the most sought-after firm in your industry. Use these steps to get on the path from overlooked to overbooked in your creative business.

This is exactly how we started to build our own Creative Agency through which we decided to headstart our mission of only crafting relevance and if we can do it, so can you!

P.s. We are still building and will be happy to see you contributing to our growth. *Say Hi* and let’s craft relevance together!



RLVNT Studios

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